General coChairs: John H. Reif , Dept of Computer Science, Duke University, Durham, NC,
Hao Yan , ASU Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
and Jacob M. Majikes , Microsystems and Nanotechnology Division, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
Program Chair: Andrew Turberfield , Dept of Physics, Oxford University, Oxford, UK
Tacks and Track Chairs:
Track |
Chair |
Affiliation |
DNA Nanostructures: Semantomorphic Science
Hao Yan |
ASU Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
DNA Nanosytems: Programmed Function |
Friedrich Simmel |
Dept of Physics, Technical University Munich, Germany |
Protein & Viral Nanostructures |
Nicole Steinmetz |
Dept. Nanoengineering, UC San Diego, San Diego, CA |
Integrated Chemical Systems |
Jeremiah Gassensmith |
Dept of Chemistry, University of Texas, Dallas |
Principles and Theory of Self-Assembly |
Rebecca Schulman |
Chemical Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins Univ, Baltimore, MD |
Nucleic Acid Nanostructures in Vivo |
Bjorn Hogberg |
Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden |
Chemical Tools for DNA Nanotechnology |
Andrew Ellington |
Chemistry and Biochemistry Dept, Univ of Texas at Austin |
Biomedical Nanotechnology |
Thomas LaBean |
Materials Science & Engineering, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh, NC |
Nanophotonics & Superresolution |
Ralf Jungmann |
Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry, Martinsried, Germany |
Synthetic Biology |
Alex Deiters |
Dept. Chemistry, Univ. of Pittsburgh |
Molecular Machinery |
Andrew Turberfield |
Dept of Physics, Oxford Univ, Oxford, UK |
Program Track Chair's Responsibilities
Paper solicitation, Paper refereeing and acceptance decisions for papers in their track (in consultation with the Program Chair).
Track Descriptions:
DNA Nanostructures: Semantomorphic Science Track: This track centers on self-assembled DNA structures; it includes descriptions of nano-scale constructs and assemblies based on the directed interactions of DNA molecules. The range of structures can be anything from DNA tiles to DNA bricks to DNA origamis to self-assembled DNA crystals. Other nucleic acids, such as RNA or PNA are certainly not excluded.
DNA Nanosystems: Programmed Function Track: The track on programmed function focuses on applications, in which the organization of molecules on DNA or RNA nanostructures conveys specific chemical, mechanical, computational, or robotic functions. Any type of molecular programming combined with DNA nanostructures is considered, for instance improvement of chemical kinetics by co-localization, decision-making, or reconfiguration.
Protein and Viral Nanostructures Track: In Nature, proteins are structural and functional entities that self-assemble into nanoscale and mesoscale materials. Examples include multivalent protein cages, vaults, and viruses. The track Protein and Viral Nanostructures will discuss principles of materials design inspired by protein/virus-based nanostructures. Topics include: synthetic biology and chemical approaches to mimic Nature's materials design using de novo approaches; the utilization of Nature's materials to produce functionalized, hybrid materials with emergent properties for biotechnology applications such as confined chemical or enzymatic catalysis; medical applications such as drug delivery and imaging; environmental sensing; and applications in energy-relevant science. Experimental, theoretical and computational approaches targeting protein/virus-based nanostructures are welcome.
Integrated Chemical Systems Track: The track on “Integrated Chemical Systems” presents advances in the self-assembly and integration of two or more synthetic or engineered molecular, biomolecular, macromolecular, and polymeric building blocks into a single functional system or device. The resulting architectures and devices, ranging from the nanoscale to macroscale, display hierarchical ordering and advanced functions that arise from the programmed interactions between these constituent chemical components.
Principles and Theory of Self-Assembly Track: The focus of the Principles and Theory Track is the development of theoretical frameworks and predictive models that further the larger goals espoused by FNANO, the study and construction of "self-assembled architectures and devices" from the perspective of both science and engineering. Generally, these tools either explore the standardization of new phenomena for engineering purposes, and/or capture experimental knowledge in a way that permits reliable operation or scaling of engineered devices. Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of nanoscience, the track presents a variety of theoretical approaches, including those from physics, computer science and physical chemistry. Models and theoretical approaches that are closely coupled with experimental approaches or which are undergoing direct experimental testing are especially encouraged.
Computational Tools for Self-Assembly: A trend of exponentially increasing complexity in designed self-assembly systems raises increasing challenges in information management. This Track attracts presentations of software tools and computational paradigms for assisting biomolecular design, analysis, and visualization to deal with this rising tide of complexity in biomolecular engineering.
Synthetic Biology Track: Synthetic Biology uses approaches that deconstruct naturally occurring biological systems into their smallest functional parts, then re-engineer and recombine those parts in novel ways to achieve new function. The newly generated biological entities have potential to produce materials important for a wide-range of applications including food stocks, industrial chemicals, fuels, research tools, and therapeutic agents. Moreover, re-constructing and re-engineering biological systems enables a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind natural processes. Talks in this track will feature examples of Synthetic Biology approaches.
Nucleic Acid Nanostructures in Vivo Track: It is becoming clear that with the advent of orthogonal parts or molecular devices that function within living cells that have very low, or no, cross-talk with endogenous cellular machinery, one may run synthetic programs within a living system. Thus there is an emerging field of synthetic biology at the molecular level that uses nucleic acids as an interface to introduce artificial programs within living systems. The nucleic acid nanostructures in vivo track will feature contributions on novel nucleic acid motifs found and/or applied in synthetic and translational ways in living systems. These include strategies to probe, program and/or reprogram living cells or organisms.
Chemical Tools for DNA Nanotechnology Track: This track will explore how both chemical biology and analytical and synthetic chemistry can be exploited to further the ability to program structure and function with nucleic acids. Topics of interest include modified nucleic acids, new enzymatic methods for the preparation or assembly of DNA nanostructures, and analytical methods for exploring and extending the functionality of synthetic DNA, including NextGen sequencing methods applied to DNA nanotechnology.
Biomedical Nanotechnology Track: This Track will focus on the engineering of nano-scale molecular assemblies made with biological inspiration and/or for applications in biological systems for medical purposes. Engineering at the nano-scale allows unprecedented control of molecular recognition events for diverse theranostic applications. Example topics include artificial or natural biopolymer constructs used for biosensing, smart materials for drug delivery or tissue engineering applications, and stimulus-responsive assemblies capable of communicating with living cells to control growth, development, or death.
Nanophotonics and Superresolution Track: This track covers research based on optics and light-matter interaction on the nanoscale. Topics include super resolution methods and applications, plasmonics, photonic metamaterials and studies of near field optics.
Molecular Machinery Track: Natural molecular machinery is intimately involved with all aspects of life, from respiration and chemical synthesis to motion - from nanometres to kilometres. The creation of functional synthetic molecular machinery is one of the most challenging and exciting branches of nanoscience. This track includes the study and molecular engineering of both natural and synthetic systems.