FNANO Conference Overview: This is a yearly conference on foundations of nanoscience, maintaining the highest scientific standards and providing many opportunities for discussion and informal exchange of information and questions. Self-assembly is the central theme of the conference. FNANO spans many traditional disciplines including chemistry, biochemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics, and engineering. Topics include experimental and theoretical studies of self-assembled architectures and devices, at scales ranging from nano-scale to meso-scale. Information on the prior years’ Conferences on Foundations of Nanoscience can be viewed at the archive web sites (FNANO04, FNANO05, FNANO06, FNANO07, FNANO08, FNANO09, FNANO10, FNANO11, FNANO12, FNANO13, FNANO14, FNANO15, FNANO16, FNANO17, FNANO18, FNANO19, FNANO20, FNANO21,FNANO22 and FNANO23). The 21st Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO24) will have a mixture of invited talks by distinguished scientists as well as contributed posters and open discussion periods to enhance attendee interaction with the goal of creating a vibrant intellectual community in the areas of nanoscience and self-assembly. Nanoscience Prize Award: Each year, the ISNSCE Nanoscience Prize is awarded at FNANO to recognize and encourage outstanding research in all areas of nanoscience. Special tracks introduce topics of emerging interest to the self-assembly community. The Robert Dirks Molecular Programming Prize: The Dirks Prize recognizes exceptional early-career achievement by a researcher working in any area of molecular programming, whether theory, experiment, computation, or a combination thereof. These prizes will be awarded during distinct evening sessions of the upcoming FNANO24 conference.
Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices John H. Reif, Hao Yan and Jacob M. Majikes, Conference co-Chairs and Andrew Turberfield, Program Chair
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